Monday, May 30, 2011

Dr. Peterson Lectures at the VetCo International Congress in Poland

Dr Peterson was invited to lecture at the 2011 Vetco International Congress in Warsaw, Poland, on May 21st and 22nd along with Dr. Richard W. Nelson. The theme of this year's VetCo Congress was "Endocrinology of Small Animals in Practice." Dr. Peterson delivered four lectures during the Congress:
  • Diagnosis and treatment of hyperthyroidism in cats
  • Diagnostic testing for canine hyperadrenocorticism
  • Treatment of hyperadrenocorticism in dogs
  • Addison’s disease in dogs: an overview

Dr. Peterson and Dr. Nelson both graduated from the University of Minnesota College of Veterinary Medicine in the late 1970s, when they first met and became friends. Like Dr. Peterson, Dr. Nelson has authored numerous manuscripts, book chapters and textbooks and has lectured nationally and internationally. 

Dr. Peterson (left) and Dr. Nelson (right) at the 2011 VetCo Congress in Poland.

1 comment:

  1. denise habib-casesaMay 31, 2011 at 5:38 PM

    Dr. Peterson has helped my dog and also my cat. My good friend also has brought her cat to see him and she too was so very pleased. All I can say is that you cant get any better than him, he is the niciest person to you and of coarse to your pets. So to help you make your decesion he is the "man" and the one you would want to go and see. He is the "BEST"....and his staff is pretty cool , also
